vlc gcc 2.95.2, sound and no video

herbert plass herbert.plass at univie.ac.at
Sun Mar 11 22:32:18 CET 2001


My system is a Linux 2.2.16 (Suse 7.0) with Thunderbird 850, Geforce 256, 
256MB RAM. gcc 2.95.2

vcl 0.2.63 compiles without errors. When running vlc dvd:/dev/hda (rw 
permissions for all) sound starts playing, but not video. With --warning 1 
the messages stop with _module: hiding unused module 'ps'_.

Withe version 0.2.61 there is a vout error: could not load default font. 
video initialization failed, video is deactivated.

Are these different errors or is in 0.2.63 just no error message?
Any ideas, what is broken?

Thanks and best regards from Vienna
Herbert Plass

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