Multiple Segmentation faults

Michael Flohr flohr at
Sat Nov 17 21:34:33 CET 2001

The new release vlc 0.2.91 severely segfaults when trying to play dvd.
It runs ok when playing mpeg files.
The only error message I can get (even with vlc -vvvvvvvvvv) is
"multiple segmentation faults occured, no further errors can be reported".
In most cases, but not always, this is accompanied with the
"Xlib: unexpected async reply" error message reported in an earlier email.
I do not think that it is a video output issue, since vlc works fine with
mpeg files. 
The compile went without any problems. None of the releases 0.2.80 to
0.2.90 showed this behaviour. For the first time since the 0.2.63 release,
I cannot watch dvd anymore.
Please let me know how I can provide further information in order to get
this error rectified - I want my vlc back working, sniff!

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