HDIO_SET_DMA failed error with hdparm

Matija Grabnar matija.grabnar at arnes.si
Fri Sep 28 18:45:36 CEST 2001

> I've a Redhat 7.1 linux with updated kernel 2.4.3-12.
> I found that dma isn't working
> I have an AMD athlon 1.4, MSI AMDK7Tpro mainboard

I have the same machine (Athlon 1.2, MSI something pro with VIA8233
chipset). I'm running kernel 2.4.9, and on boot up I got the message to write
to some guy in .cz for the driver. I did, and got it right away. Now I 
can set DMA for both my disk and my DVD, but DVD DMA gets reset if there is no
disk in drive. 

I still get a jerky image sometimes, though.

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