VLC dies when streaming from VLS

Ken McCullagh ken.mccullagh at s3group.com
Tue Apr 16 19:30:34 CEST 2002

I've been using the vlms to stream video across a network to VLC (0.3.0) without problems.
However, when I use the VLS(0.3.2) I get really blocky, jumpy video, followed eventually by 

INPUT_MAX_ALLOCATION reached (20971588)
thread 1026 error: mutex_lock failed at input_ts.c:102 (Resource deadlock avoided)
INPUT_MAX_ALLOCATION reached (20971588)
Out of memory
INPUT_MAX_ALLOCATION reached (20971588)
Out of memory
INPUT_MAX_ALLOCATION reached (20971588)
Out of memory
INPUT_MAX_ALLOCATION reached (20971588)
Out of memory
... repeated several more times ...
at which point the vlc program has crashed. this was not noticed with the vlms program, and the picture was very watchable. (The client is running on the same machine in both cases, and the server machine is also the same in both cases, client and server machines being different).

Has anyone seen this before? If so is there a nice solution? Does the problem lie in the VLC or the VLS?

ps - is there an archive for this list?

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