OSX client performance

adamgt at mac.com adamgt at mac.com
Sun May 12 00:42:11 CEST 2002

I have found that renicing will help many things in OS X.  I usually 
renice Virtual PC 5 and vlc to -16.  Any higher and you risk freaky 
problems.  MPEG 1 files play fine in QT5 for me however.  I am on a dual 
533 G4 with 1.12 gigs of RAM so maybe that helps a bit.  Anyways keep up 
the good work on vlc!


On Saturday, May 11, 2002, at 05:35  AM, player000 at noos.fr wrote:

> hello.
> First of all let me congratulate you guys on the great work you've done 
> on the vlc. This is really outstanding work.
> I was trying out an mpeg1 file on the vlc, because even though QT plays 
> it fine, the QT player becomes very unresponsive playing mpeg1. It's a 
> 40meg MPEG1 file, nothing special. I made the window smaller so that I 
> could keep on browsing while watching the movie.
> Performance was great, I could drag the window in real time (can't do 
> this in QT5 with mpeg files, mpeg1 in QT is an insult), however as soon 
> as I started doing something else in the browser, it skipped frames and 
> the sound stuttered, catching up after a while by accelerating playback.
> Figured it was a priority issue, so I reniced the vlc to -10 
> (priorities in OSX range from -20 to 20, -20 being the highest priority 
> a user can assign to a process), and it got much better, albeit still 
> not perfect. I discovered something disturbing, the vlc was running a 
> priority 6 before my renice, which is below normal (0). probably 
> explains much of the skipping.
> This is something that almost never happens in QT. You can tax the 
> system as much as you want, sound will (almost) never skip, same in 
> iTunes, the players use RT thread for audio. Have you looked into such 
> an implementation? Is there some issue with recent builds of the VLC? 
> the same mpeg1 file in QT didn't skip sound, and lost only a few frames 
> when i taxed the system.
> This is using 0.3.1 on an iMac G3 500 with 384Megs of RAM on OS10.1.4, 
> I don't have access to my G4 right now.
> Omar

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