[vlc] vlc 044 and 045 crashes in Win2k

Andre Cretegny acretegny at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 15 17:46:08 CEST 2002

Hi Guys,

I'm sorry to report that vlc version above 041 still
crashes in win2k... see attached pop up

With the exact same set of parameters, 041 works fine,
044 and 045 crashes. Pb is with video: if I disable
video ooutput, I get the sound perfect.
I even tried the directx.so from 041 in 045... not
good of course, but just to see: well, no video, but
no crash either.

So, my current guess is that something did change
between 041 and the next versions in the directx
plugins, that my system (a Dell laptop) did not like
too much - I still have to do the same test with the
other machines I have (IBM thinkpad, NetVista) - I'll
send a more complete report if anybody is

Keep the good work ! :)


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