[vlc] Re: variable CPU usage

Michael S. Zick mszick at goquest.com
Mon Jun 7 16:15:58 CEST 2004

On Sun June 6 2004 21:32, Abhinav jalan wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for replying to my previous query.
> I am trying with an experimenting of transcoding a stream on the network.
> For that I need to find CPU usage of the transcoder for a particular
> configuration. When I use http as source, for each experiment, CPU usage
> comes out to be same. But when I use a streaming source (udp), I do not get
> consistent reading for CPU usage. And sometimes the variation is of the
> order of magnitude. However, within a single experiment, variation within 
> the CPU usage does not vary much as the transcoder is transcoding a stream.
> In an another experiment, I made the streaming server to multicast a
> stream. And made 8 nodes to transcode the stream with same configuration.
> All the 8 workstation had same hardware configuration. But I got different
> CPU usage on each node.
You have chosen a very difficult experiment to setup such that repeatable
measurements can be expected.
Variables include many operational details beyond 'same hardware
The operating systems on which VLC runs are 'multi-process' - the hardware
is time-shared between the multiple threads of VLC and everything else that
is executable at any one moment.

> Do you know the reason why I do not get consistent readings. Is there a way
> to stabilize the CPU usage of the trancoder when the source is a streaming
> server.
I would suggest that you first examine your experimental setup - make it as
'clean' as possible and identical among all machines.
As an example (Linux):
1) boot each machine with the kernel command line including: init=/bin/bash
2) start only services required to access the network connection on your setup
3) run VLC at a real time priority rather than the default, demand adaptive,
4) examine carefully how you are measuring CPU usage.
A) Are the CPU usages relatively similar now between nodes?
B) Is the difference between HTTP and UDP now consistently repeatable?

I hope these hints will help you with your experiment.
> Thanks,
> Abhinav

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