[vlc] vlc code problem with video

ikyben at ozu.es ikyben at ozu.es
Thu Apr 21 17:44:44 CEST 2005


I'm relatively new to videolan.It has fascinating me and lately I have
started looking into the source code.
I'm using Debian testing, but I use the svn code (0.8.2 experimental).

I have two main questions:

a) vlc (from debian testing) does not play anymore files without proper
extension; for example, supposing a file called my_file, it is not played
as 'vlc my_file' (segmentation fault) but it is played as 'vlc
my_file.ts'. The file is the same (binary identically), but it seems that
is has to have the proper extension.

b) source code is difficult to understand, documentation is reduced; I
have begun with video output header files, and something strange has come
to me related to 'video_output.h':
struct vout_thread_t{ ....} has among others:
picture_heap_t render;
picture_heap_t output;
picture_t p_picture[2*VOUT_MAX_PICTURES+1]

what are the differences between them? are they really needed? it seems
the same variable.


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