[vlc] Re: VLC media player 0.8.4-test1 beta release

Felix Kühne fk at aenneburghardt.de
Wed Sep 28 21:41:56 CEST 2005

On 28.09.2005 at 09:04PM Benjamin Pracht wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 27, 2005, Ross Finlayson wrote :
>> At 02:42 PM 9/26/2005, Antoine Cellerier wrote:
>>> Dear VideoLAN users,
>>> The VideoLAN team is happy to announce the first beta version of VLC
>>> 0.8.4 (Note: 0.8.3 was skipped because it's technical  
>>> improvements were
>>> too little)
>>> Highlights from improvements include:
>> [...]
>>> * Bonjour (Apple zeroconf protocol) service discovery
>> Can someone explain how to enable this, or (if it is enabled by
>> default) how/where announced 'zeroconf' services appear in VLC?  It's
>> far from obvious, and the documentation hasn't yet been updated to  
>> mention
>> it.
>> (I've been working with a network camera that announces its stream
>> -  as a "rtsp//" URL - using zeroconf, and it would be nice if VLC
>> could find it automatically.)
> The current module depends on avahi, which itself depends on dbus, I
> think. I don't think all of this have been ported under windows  
> (though
> that is only a guess).

I tried to compile both of them on OSX and noticed that dbus runs  
fine, which it should do under Win32 as well. The problem is that  
avahi is mostly linked to Linux-only frameworks for its network  
connections, etc. Thus it requires "Linux 2.4 or 2.6 with IP  
multicasting enabled", so porting it to Win32 or OSX will include a  
re-write of most of its network-architecture.
It is probably easier to modify the bonjour-discovery-module to be  
able to use Bonjour-for-Windows or another 3rd party library such as  
mdnsd on user's / compiler's choice.


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