[vlc] vlc to mux two channels

Adrian Daniel Simionov xsimio at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 09:31:33 CEST 2008

new chan1 broadcast enabled
setup chan1 input udp://@
setup chan1 output
setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-audio=110
setup chan1 option sout-ts-pid-video=120
setup chan1 option sout-ts-netid=510
setup chan1 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100"
setup chan1 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="chan1"

new chan2 broadcast enabled
setup chan2 input udp://@
setup chan2 output
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-audio=210
setup chan2 option sout-ts-pid-video=220
setup chan2 option sout-ts-netid=510
setup chan2 option sout-ts-program-pmt="100,200"
setup chan2 option sout-ts-sdtdesc="company,file1,company,file2"
setup chan2 option sout-ts-muxpmt="110,120,,210,220"

control chan1 play
control chan2 play


this is my current configuration.
is working BUT i can see the two tv channels in the same time ONLY for the
first option in navigate menu.

the first option is file1 [company] and when selected, playing both inputs.
second option in navigate menu is 200, when selected, nothing happens.

where is my mistake ?

Simionov Daniel-Adrian, Network Engineer
Phone: (+40) 0733.673.147
Email: noc at pacris.ro
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