[vlc] VLC 1.1.0 - Windows (version unknown) - VC++ Runtime crash on VLC launch

Arioch the_Arioch at nm.ru
Sun Jul 4 00:39:35 CEST 2010

В письме от Sat, 03 Jul 2010 23:39:51 +0400, L van der Walle
<l.vanderwalle at ojbs-elckerlyc.nl> сообщал:

> but it keeps coming. Any idea how I can solve this problem?

one random shot into dark is to upgrade that VC Runtime -
Try also updating Direct X from the ink in that message.

No one reported if he tried and if it made any difference though.

Nor anyone (you are third with such an error AFAIR) discussed softwware
and hardware configuration.

PS: putting pictures into Word is bad idea. It makes them very large and
prone to viruses as well. And harder to watch it.
Just save them as regullar PNG image.

You may try this http://code.google.com/p/image-uploader/ if you just want
quickly pubish screenshot in the Web
You may try this http://picpick.wiziple.net/ if you want to highlight some
parts of screen, put some marks on it, etc befor ublishing

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