[vlc] Bug Report: VLC 1.1.0 hangs if screen maximized when the user clicks the "STOP" button

brezhoneg1 brezhoneg1 at yahoo.fr
Tue Jul 20 09:21:51 CEST 2010


    This bug might have the same origin as the one reported on the forum 
with the skins interface.

     Using Wine (on Linux), I also sometimes run into a deadlock 
situation with vlc1.1. (Wine detects deadlock and clearly reports them)


Le 19/07/2010 07:09, Paolo Barone a écrit :
> Hi,
> My compliments for a good piece of software!  But...
> Here's a Bug Report.  This happens each and every time:
> VLC 1.1.0 Windows
> My System:
> Windows XP Pro, SP 3
> Pentium III, 1 GHz
> 512 MB RAM
> Video Card: ATI 3D Rage Pro, PCI
> When I watch a video clip, I start the clip.  Then, I hit the 
> FULLSCREEN VIEW button to maximize the image to the size of the 
> monitor.  If I click on the STOP button while the VLC application is 
> in full screen mode, the application hangs with the client area 
> turning all plain white (or also sometimes all plain black), and the 
> application won't close.  The only way to kill VLC at that point is to 
> "end task" using the Windows Task Manager.  So, in order to NOT get 
> into this bug bug situation, I have to remember to toggle the 
> FULLSCREEN VIEW button back to the standard size before clicking the 
> STOP button, or else surely, VLC will hang.
> Hope this helps and thanks again for providing a great video viewer!
> Sincerely,
> Paolo Barone

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