[vlc] Closing of visualization-window stops playback

tewnc at lavabit.com tewnc at lavabit.com
Sun Apr 17 11:21:49 CEST 2011


if a visualization-window is opened while VLC is playing something and
then closed the playback stops.

I think this should be handled different!

I was in #videolan on irc.freenode.org and wrote this on the 2011-04-17:

[09:51]ChanServ:[#videolan] Welcome to #videolan. Please ask your question
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[09:54]tewnc:I am using the VLC media player V 1.1.9 64bit on a MacBook
Core 2 Duo with OS X 10.6.7
[09:54]tewnc:Two things bug me, although VLC is a superb program:
[09:55]tewnc:If I open a Visualizer-Window the playback is unaffected, but
if I close it, the playback stops. Is it a bug or a feature?
[09:58]tewnc:The second is a feature request: Almost all
music-production-programs like Ableton Live or Apples Logic let the user
pause the playback via pressing the spacebar and let it continue by
pressing the spacebar, too. It would be great, if the VLC player showed
the same behaviour.
[10:02]tewnc:...sorry, just figured out how easy it is to set a new Hotkey
for playback pause/continue. So forget the feature request.
[10:03]tewnc:But the first issue with the Visualizer is not cool.
[10:05]tewnc:And the new hotkey setting was not immediately applied, but
after a restart.



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