[x264-devel] Faster real-time encoding

Paul -Spawn- Rysevets P.Rysevets at sam-solutions.net
Fri Jul 25 15:30:23 CEST 2008

Hello Simon,

Friday, July 25, 2008, 1:02:11 PM, you wrote:

SM> Thanks for the answers, I will try using pthread.

SM> I just have one other question. I look at the code of x264, and it
SM> seems that the threading system is only used to encode multiple frames
SM> at the same time. Is it right ? Or is the encoding of a single frame
SM> can be done with multiple threads ?

it is so.. now... to introduce parallel encoding of one frame..
slices must be used.. and this addition is in development, but(IMHO)
it is not the main priority...

Best regards,
 Paul 'Spawn' Rysevets          P.Rysevets at sam-solutions.net
 SpAwN_gUy.aka.WAREZMasta       WAREZMasta at gmail.com
 ICQ:968978                     SKYPE-ID: spawn_guy

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