Jason Garrett-Glaser darkshikari at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 10:37:31 CET 2009

2009/2/16 Dmitriy Vatolin <dmitriy at graphics.cs.msu.ru>:
> * Objective quality measurements (PSNR, SSIM, Average Advantage, etc.)

Since x264's recent psy optimizations have proven quite definitively
that one can achieve greatly improved visual quality while decreasing
both PSNR and SSIM, will their be a subjective comparison as well as
an objective one?  In addition, what about the fact that encoders have
different settings optimized for PSNR, SSIM, and visual quality,
respectively?  x264 can optimize for PSNR (AQ off, psy-RD off), SSIM
(AQ on, psy-RD off), or visual quality (AQ on, psy-RD on).  It would
be surely be unfair to ask for an encoder to try to optimize for all
three with one set of settings--one would either end up with settings
that are suboptimal for all measurements or settings that are
extremely good in one but bad in the others.

Dark Shikari

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