[x264-devel] x264 producing (possibly) malformed stream

Kieran Kunhya kieran at kunhya.com
Mon Dec 24 13:47:44 CET 2012

> As far as I know there's nothing against the spec about that -- that

> happens all the time, like in the case of resolution changes and
> aspect ratio changes in broadcast television.  It *would* be a problem
> muxing to mp4, but (at least in those example cases), there's
> certainly nothing x264 could do about that!

It's mentioned in the spec but it appears to be optional and I've never seen any other encoders do it.

"NOTE 2 – When feasible, encoders should use distinct values of seq_parameter_set_id when the values of other sequence 
parameter set syntax elements differ rather than changing the values of the syntax elements associated with a specific value of
seq_parameter_set_id. "

I think the convention in mp4 is just to write an SPS/PPS with the frame and continue. I suppose the mux could also make space in the header for
a second SPS/PPS and bump the id as Mashiat mentions.
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