[x265] Possible architecture specific bug in ~v0.5+439: 32-bit builds crash
Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
contact at ligh.de
Fri Nov 22 13:37:00 CET 2013
Am 21.11.2013, 22:55 Uhr, schrieb Steve Borho <steve at borho.org>:
> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:52 AM, Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
> <contact at ligh.de>wrote:
>> Builds of x265 0.5+439-108ddc9e5c6b for 32 bit (both MSYS and VC12,
>> 8bpp)
>> from x265.cc appear to crash on start, only the VC12-x86_64 build works.
>> (VC11 not tested)
>> I tried a batch of all available 'preset' values with only a few
>> additional options. The 32 bit builds crash for all presets, after
>> reporting the encoding options: "x265 [info]: tools: ...".
> I'm unable to reproduce this locally with VC11 Win32. Can you provide a
> repro command line, or perhaps build with RelWithDebInfo and capture a
> stack trace?
I don't have a working C compiler installation.
But the following release, 0.5+524-5009254d3d3a, passed in all tested
Used options were (in a loop with all preset values):
--preset %preset% --crf 24 -w --bframe-bias 30 -i 240 --psnr --ssim
The author of the buildbot reported some technical issues, who knows if
that was somehow related.
Fun and success!
Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
mailto:contact at ligh.de
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