[x265] Possible architecture specific bug in ~v0.5+439: 32-bit builds crash

Steve Borho steve at borho.org
Fri Nov 22 17:37:17 CET 2013

On Nov 22, 2013, at 6:37 AM, Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer <contact at ligh.de> wrote:

> Am 21.11.2013, 22:55 Uhr, schrieb Steve Borho <steve at borho.org>:
>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:52 AM, Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer <contact at ligh.de>wrote:
>>> Builds of x265 0.5+439-108ddc9e5c6b for 32 bit (both MSYS and VC12, 8bpp)
>>> from x265.cc appear to crash on start, only the VC12-x86_64 build works.
>>> (VC11 not tested)
>>> I tried a batch of all available 'preset' values with only a few
>>> additional options. The 32 bit builds crash for all presets, after
>>> reporting the encoding options: "x265 [info]: tools: ...".
>> I'm unable to reproduce this locally with VC11 Win32.  Can you provide a
>> repro command line, or perhaps build with RelWithDebInfo and capture a
>> stack trace?
> I don't have a working C compiler installation.
> But the following release, 0.5+524-5009254d3d3a, passed in all tested variants.
> Used options were (in a loop with all preset values):
> --preset %preset% --crf 24 -w --bframe-bias 30 -i 240 --psnr --ssim
> The author of the buildbot reported some technical issues, who knows if that was somehow related.

Ok, thanks.  It might have been the register count issue in one of the assembly functions.

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