[x265] F.R.: Report number of frame threads in [info] block

Mario Rohkrämer contact at ligh.de
Sat Nov 23 20:06:17 CET 2013

Am 23.11.2013, 19:45 Uhr, schrieb Tom Vaughan  
<tom.vaughan at multicorewareinc.com>:

> Mario,
> The number of concurrently encoded frames is already reported in the
> x265[info] output.
> Example:
> x265 [info]: WPP streams / pool / frames  : 17 / 32 / 1

That makes me almost concerned...

With a Phenom-II X6 (6 cores) I get e.g.: 5 / 6 / *2*

So it encodes only 2 frames in parallel? Because there are other intense  
tasks utilizing other threads?

According to ProcessExplorer, x265 runs 10 threads. Up to 6 of them are  
more or less busy. Sometimes only 2 of them, depending on the preset used.  
So it is probably correct, just possibly not yet "optimal".

> On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 6:48 AM, Mario Rohkrämer <contact at ligh.de> wrote:
>> Feature Request:
>> Since the number of concurrently encoded frames is per default derived
>> from the available CPU cores, I miss the actual number in the x265  
>> [info]
>> output. It will be useful to know which number has been calculated if it
>> was not enforced by a value different to 0 for parameter -F (e.g. if
>> HyperThreading was taken into account), especially if it is not a simple
>> equality.
>> I am not sure if it deserves an own verbost line, or if just a brief
>> summary in the "tools:" line is enough.
>> --
>> Fun and success!
>> Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
>> mailto:contact at ligh.de
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Fun and success!
Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
mailto:contact at ligh.de

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