[x265] Adding 64 bit building in MSYS to x265/build in repository ?

Steve Borho steve at borho.org
Fri Feb 14 18:59:28 CET 2014

cc:'d to devel list for wider distribution

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 4:47 AM, Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer <contact at ligh.de>wrote:

> Hi Steve.
> Would you probably like to add a solution with a cmake toolchain for
> building 64 bit Windows executables in MSYS? Feel free to adapt it to your
> preferred naming conventions and options, if so.
> http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/357754-%5BHEVC%5D-
> x265-EXE-mingw-builds?p=2301183&viewfull=1#post2301183
> To be able to build both, I added a copy of x265/build/msys as
> x265/build/msys64, so I can simply call "make" in either one after
> configuring for Win32 in the one and for Win64 in the other.

Thanks Mario.

I've been making 64bit MinGW builds of x265 since the beginning without any
toolchain scripts like that.  You just need a 64bit MSYS and a 64bit MinGW
compiler and use the current build/msys folder as-is.

You only need to use a toolchain file when you are cross-compiling from
32bit MSYS to 64bit MSYS.

Is there a way to robustly query whether your MSYS is 32 or 64bit? It would
be good to handle this cleanly in the batch file.

Steve Borho
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