[x265] Parallel version of x265

Pradeep Ramachandran pradeep at multicorewareinc.com
Fri Mar 11 08:44:44 CET 2016

Prof. Habib,
Our wiki gives all the required instructions to download x265 (and
dependencies), compile, and run the encoder:
https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265/wiki/Home. x265 uses multiple
levels of parallelism including parallel look-ahead, parallel frame
encoding, and WPP which are all turned-on by default.

x265 runs only on the CPU today and support is official only for x86. We
have enabled the ability to compile and run x265 on ARM systems, but the
support is still experimental. If you are able to modify x265 to enable
running it on the ZedBoard and even on the FPGA, we will be happy to accept
your patches.

Please use this forum for any questions that you may have and we will
assist you.


On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Habib Smei <habibsmei at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> can anyone help me how to download, compile and execute the parallel
> version of x265 encoder (with parallel tasks). In fact, i have a board
> (ZedBoard) that contains two cores and an FPGA, and i would explore it
> ability to run this encoder with some tasks in cores and some tasks as
> accelerators in FPGA.
> Thank you very much for yours help.
> --
> Habib SMEI
> Professeur in computer science.
> ISET Radès
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