[x265] Parallel version of x265

chen chenm003 at 163.com
Sun Mar 13 04:24:55 CET 2016


You need download latest hg tree, there have ARM cmake support.

The Zynq have a standard ARM Cortex-A9. on my board, I build x265 with DS cross-compiler and it work perfect.

When you work on accelerate with FPGA, you have to do a HW/SW cooperation framework, such as:

btw: On company's rule strict, I can't answer more details in public area, you may see papers in late of this year, my friend and I will publishing series papers in this year.


At 2016-03-11 15:04:37,"Habib Smei" <habibsmei at gmail.com> wrote:

can anyone help me how to download, compile and execute the parallel version of x265 encoder (with parallel tasks). In fact, i have a board (ZedBoard) that contains two cores and an FPGA, and i would explore it ability to run this encoder with some tasks in cores and some tasks as accelerators in FPGA.
Thank you very much for yours help.


Habib SMEI
Professeur in computer science.
ISET Radès

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