[x265] memory consumption when encoding 8K video

Pradeep Ramachandran pradeep at multicorewareinc.com
Thu Apr 6 05:35:49 CEST 2017

In general, I would recommend against a 32-bit build due to the fact that
several of our assembly optimizations (10-bit and 12-bit, in particular)
work only for 64-bit which would considerably restrict your encoding speed.
This is especially true for 8K where there is so many bits to deal with!

If you can share with us the command-line that you are trying, along with a
sample clip, we can try to reproduce the failure from our side.

Pradeep Ramachandran, PhD
Solution Architect at www.multicorewareinc.com/
Adjunct Faculty at www.cse.iitm.ac.in/
Ph:   +91 99627 82018

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 6:22 AM, YIRAN LI <mrfun.china at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm writing a program which can encode video using X265 API.  It's a 32
> bit program.
> When the program runs to encode a 8K video, I can see every
> time encoder_encode is called, the program eats about 100MB so that after
> 12 frames are sent to encoder and when encoder_encode  is called for
> another frame,  encoder_encode  returns failure. (at this time, about 1.5GB
> in total is consumed by the encoder).
> I guess it's caused by memory limit so compiled everything to 64bit, this
> time everything went well and I could see maximum memory consumption is
> about 6GB.
> But I still need to fix the problem on 32bit because a lot of customers
> use 32 bit version. Just want to know, is there any option, to make encoder
> hold less frames or what ever option that can make encoder consume less
> memory?
> Thanks for suggestion.
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