[x265] How to apply the modified source codes to the library?

Pradeep Ramachandran pradeep at multicorewareinc.com
Thu Nov 16 15:43:45 CET 2017

On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 12:12 PM, hyomin.choi <hyomin06 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am student using x265 for my research.
> I am pretty new this list, so I am not sure it is correct to ask a
> question in this mailing list.
> If not, please tell me where I ask.
> Basically, I am working on Mac OS X environment with X Code and trying to
> make a demo using x265 library.
> I’ve check my modified source codes are working as good as my intention
> with output x265 binary in the terminal.
> Then, I tried to import the library, libx265.a, but surprisingly it
> doesn’t make any change.
> Even I debugged with lots of printf(“”), never make any outputs with
> printing debugging characters.
> How can I actually apply the modified source code to the output library?

You're asking the question in the right place.

I am assuming that you are writing a new application to replace x265.cpp
and are trying to link against libx265.a? You application has to include
x265.h in its header so that the declaration of the API functions that your
code calls is found at compile time. Then, at the link time, you hae to
make sure that you add -lx265 as a linker option to your linker, and the
linker should be able to find the library (which happens through pacakge
config or something). If you want, you can specify an install target in
x265's cmake, and `make install` after compiling so that the header files,
and libraries are installed in the right folder for your application to
pick it up from.

Hope that helps. If you still have trouble, do ping back here.
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