[Translators] Translators Digest, Vol 59, Issue 3

Christoph Miebach christoph.miebach at web.de
Wed Aug 14 15:06:32 CEST 2013


On 14.08.2013 12:51, Mr. Phan Anh wrote:
> Sender: ppanhh
> ===========================
> Position: Vietnamese Language
> ===========================
> Content:
> 1. Maintainer of the Mailing List
> 2. Time for the next release
> 3. Question about the 2.0 and 2.1
> 4. Problem in terminal display
> ===========================
> _______________________________


> I would like to have the private email of maintainers (not from
> Christopher.M - I got his) for further contact.

The basic use of this mailing list is:
You don't need to read hundreds of emails on the developement list. 
Anything related to localization/translation can be discussed here.

Anyway, even if I am not always able to do as much work on the 
translations as I want to, I am the right one to talk to first. If I 
don't respond, ask again or escalate on the translators list.

> 2. Untill now, we already have had something called "nightly build". In
> fact, I got known about this by C.M. But, what's the real rountine and
> timeline for actually release.
> And in the mailing list, I thought this is the most stupid thing.
> Why?
> As we can see, the amount of translation now moved to Transifex, but,
> literally, we can't keep up with all the amount of translation.
> Although we consider them in "percent", but, we also have to at least, in
> the mailing list, each issue, I meant, EACH ISSUE, there should be an
> annoucement about the time for the next release and also the time for the
> nightly build - of course, with the link on it - to test the content of our
> translation.

It's hard to impossible to give real release dates. It will always be: 
"When it's ready"

For the nightly builds, it's somewhat different, as they are build every 
day (nightly) for testing.

> 3. 2.0 verus 2.1
> As I have as CM about the differences between those version, he told me
> that 2.1 is the "continuous" edition from 2.0.
> That's mean you can use the translation in 2.1, then upload on Transifex
> for the 2.0, and then you will get the up-to-date version for translation.
> I am now continuing my translation with 2.1, sometimes, I upload the 2.1
> into 2.0.
> But, I want to know exactly, that: "Is it safe to do so, will we get any
> trouble by that behavior of translating?"

This is a good way to go. I just made it impossible to write to 2.0 on 
transifex. I need to figure out possible troubles here and I am thinking 
of removing it at all from transifex.
The curent read only state could be reverted in case anyone experiences 
any troubles.

> 4. Well, this is really annoying.
> I have never tested the display of my language - Vietnamese, into the
> version of Terminal/Command Windows.
> I myself is a stupid boy on Windows (8 now), so I wonder what the hell of
> my translation would be displayed in the terminal.
> Why do I discuss about this?
> Easily, in the command or the terminal in Windows 8, I got bull shit stuff
> in displaying my language, that is, my translation misses some "glym" in
> the translation - not the full display in the gui.
> For example, "TÔI" would be become "Tạlfjálfjáljfklàlàklạk" or some shit
> like that.
> Till this time, I have chosen the way of translate my language - the
> display for terminal part - in plain text (the Latin style with from A to
> Z).
> And when I did that, of course, everything would be fine in both the GUI
> and the terminal, but, I would like to ask about "Can we have any solution
> with display Vietnamese Translation in Windows command/terminal?"
> What is my problem in displaying the translation of Vietnamese in
> terminal/commander?
> Besides, I would like to ask the maintainer of our mailing list, take a
> screen shot of displaying Vietnamese in Linux Terminal.

We are aware of the issue, but not everything is fixable easily.
A screenshot with Vietnamese linux terminal should be possible, though :-)



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