[vlc] Re: VLC and Windows CE

Jonas A. Larsen jonas at vrt.dk
Tue Sep 27 21:45:19 CEST 2005

I think I can say without a doubt, that VLC is easier to get to compile with
gcc in linux or under cygwin in windows. Various ppl have managed to compile
it with VC but it often takes a lot of manual fixing and in anycase, gcc is
quicker/easier because that's the main compiler of the project



Jonas Larsen



From: vlc-bounce at videolan.org [mailto:vlc-bounce at videolan.org] On Behalf Of
rakesh js
Sent: 27. september 2005 21:25
To: vlc at videolan.org
Subject: [vlc] Re: VLC and Windows CE


hi , 
i was trying to compile VLC in VC++ . But it was giving so much of errors &
linking problems. Though Im resolving most of the errors Im still having
some unresolved errors in it.
i want to know wether there are, these many errors while compiling VLC or is
it because Iam compiling it in VC++ instead of GCC in linux. Will it help me
more if i do it in linux or will VC++ do?

On 9/21/05, Pierre ROULLET <pierre.roullet at st.com > wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Does any one succed to compile VLC under Windows CE 5.0 ?
I'm using the Windows CE Emulator 5.0

so I succed to compile to launch but for this moment
I can't play any sound 

If someone want to share our point of viezw and our success ;)

Of course it;s the version 0.8.2


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